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im gonna put my O+G characters on here

choosing only the best pics from the many that are pants, and they are still pants.....

Grym The Hermit-shaman

with a whole new breed of mushroom behind him

this pic aint too good, so you cannot see his acne an stuff, or his grey hair.... or the snazzy magic wood effect using glistening green and polished blue

you can kind of make out his stone sword

he is basically my poor excuse for havinga common goblin in the army... even my warmachines have a nightgoblin 'bully'

Grym - back view

at least here you can see the considerable length i went to to highlight and shade his shabby hermits cloak

and you can make out his other details better aswell :(

Dolly be her name

a heinz 57 dog, predominantly jack russel with fox and alsation being present aswell

mum walks in with pizza

a dog never behaved so obediently in its life!!!

following the pizza

the only photoes i managed to get that werent blurred as 'oot' were as my mum came in with pizza.... my hat comes off to animal photographers... its bleddy difficult i tell thee!